Monday, July 21, 2014

Facebook Adds A Way To Save Some News Feed Stories And View Them Later

The feature is similar to one tested in 2012, but the company said now was the right time to roll it out to the general public.


Facebook is rolling out a small update to the News Feed this week that will enable users to "save" links and pieces of content they see in order to view them later.

Links, places, movies, TV shows and music can all be saved and viewed later in the "more" tab on the Facebook app. It's a somewhat similar feature to Pocket, a service that saves articles and other pieces of content to be viewed later. Saved News Feed stories will also sometimes appear in the News Feed alongside other stories.


"We've heard that people often find interesting items on Facebook that they want to access later," a Facebook spokesperson told BuzzFeed. "We tested a similar feature in 2012 and used the feedback we received to improve the feature that we're releasing now."

Such a feature makes sense given that usage habits for Facebook differ across its platforms. For example, a user might want to save a longer article on their phone to be read later on a tablet or a laptop. In the end, the more times users come back to Facebook, the more valuable they are to Facebook — and to the advertisers the company works with.

Unlike Pocket, the stories cannot be accessed offline — users will have to access Facebook to read them. The feature will be rolled out to the iPhone, iPad, Android and Web versions of the Facebook over the next few days.

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